Category: In Practice

“ReDefine Health Promotion”

By Liz Budd and Nichole Kelly - Community organizations and individuals began reaching out to us for help in adjusting their approaches to be less harmful and more helpful to their patients, clients, students, and community members. We created ReDefine Health Promotion, LLC to better serve these community needs and…

Size Inclusion in Fitness and Recreation

By Erin Bransford - Weight stigma and diet culture are deeply entrenched in the fitness and recreation industries. What can a fitness and recreation professional do to push back against this harmful narrative and create a facility, programs, and services that are welcoming to all bodies?

Advocacy in Action: A Journal Club

Here is an example of advocacy on behalf of weight-inclusive policy, including students speaking up, faculty and staff supporting them, and administrators listening. Learn about a Fat Justice Journal Club and its advocacy project.

Creating Weight-Inclusive Workplaces

Creating workplaces that are inclusive of people of all sizes involves physical and visual aspects, as well as the topics of "water cooler banter." Explore ways that both organizations and individuals can make people of all sizes feel welcome at work.

Feeling Comfortable

What do we mean by "feeling comfortable in our body," and where do these “feelings” come from? An examination of what underlies these feelings is critical to uprooting our own implicit anti-fat bias and working toward body liberation for all.

The Role of Pleasure in Public Health

By Katie Borofka - What if public health focused on compassion, pleasure, and a radical divestment from shame? Surely, there is space alongside disease prevention for feeling good in our bodies.

The Dietitian’s Role in Body Liberation

By Stasha Hornbeck - If I’m not prescribing “what to eat” anymore, what is a dietitian to do? One clinical dietitian and diabetes educator shares the ways she is shifting from a weight-normative to a weight-inclusive, trauma-informed approach in a large healthcare environment.

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